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Ipsilon paralumi is equipped with specific machinery for cutting plexiglass.

We would like to point out that Ipsilon paralumi uses only original Plexiglas® (commonly called plexiglass) guaranteed for 30-year against yellowing by the German manifacturer, even in the most extreme conditions.

Based on our drawings, or our customer’s specific ones if available, Ipsilon paralumi produces:

  • plexiglass lampshades of clear and modern design;
  • modern wall Appliques;
  • design plexiglass ceiling lamps;
  • modern plexiglass suspension lamps;
  • plexiglass lamps with metal parts;
  • plexiglass lighting diffusers;

Of course, all of our plexiglass lampshades and lighting solutions can be adapted to our clients requests in shape, size, colours and finishing and can be printed with logos, writing, pictures or drawings provided by the costumer

Besides the classic coloured and opal white plexiglass, we use crystal clear prismatic plexiglass that provides greater light transmission and looks cleaner than classic plexiglass. In particular, you don’t notice dust, flies and mosquitos depositing on the lighting diffusers.

This cleaning is particularly appreciated in luxury hotel chains, restaurants and places where a high level of hygiene is required.

Plexiglass is washable with soap and water: it is important not to use alcohol as it can damage the surface creating an unsightly spiderweb effect.

Our plexiglass lampshades, applique, ceiling and suspensions lamps can be finished with aluminium corner profiles cut with precision cutting machinery.

